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Order Index to Captain Moore's book
A Careless Word -- a Needless Sinking: A History of the Staggering Losses Suffered by the U.S. Merchant Marine, both in Ships and Personnel, during World War II, by Captain Arthur R. Moore, American Merchant Marine Museum, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, N.Y.
Captain Arthur R. Moore has devoted more than 20 years gathering data on the vital role played by the American Merchant Marine in winning World War II. The Dennis A. Roland Chapter of the American Merchant Marine Veterans is offering the New Edition recently updated by Captain Moore. It now includes Panamanian-flag ships on which many American seamen and U.S. Naval Armed Guard served and died without recognition.
A Careless Word - A Needless Sinking is the most authoritative and complete documented account of the catastrophic losses suffered by the American-flag Merchant Fleet, both in ships and personnel, during World War II.
Any one reading Captain Moore's will wonder why American mariners had to wait 42 years to gain recognition and veteran status, and had to sue the Secretary of the Air Force in an unnecessary and expensive trial.
O R D E R F O R M -- Eighth Edition
A documented account under one cover of the catastrophic losses suffered by the American flag Merchant Marine, both in ships and personnel during WWII.The 716 page book includes Panamanian flag ships in which many American seamen and U.S. Navy Armed Guard served and died without recognition and in addition the story of the awards of the Merchant Marine Distinguished Service Medal. The names of lost seamen are recorded by vessel with a photo in many cases of the ship. Additional illustrations bring the magnitude of this tragedy to light.
The Dennis A. Roland Chapter of the American Merchant Marine Veterans has produced a limited number of this 8th printing. Copies are offered on a first come first served basis.
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Please send ______copies of "A Careless Word.A Needless Sinking" eighth printing to:
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Make checks payable to AMMV-NJ and mail to:MMVNJ
66 Gray Rock Road
Clinton, NJ 08809-1073Allow 5 weeks for shipping.
Index to Captain Moore Book Available!
Your Webmasters prepared an Index to Captain Arthur Moore's book which lists page numbers of all mentions of ships which were sunk or damaged during World War II. It also lists page numbers for names of people who wrote first person accounts of action and those who received Citations for Distinguished Service Medals.
This 24 page index covers all Editions of Careless Word... Needless Sinking... Since Captain Moore added new material at the end of the book in each edition, information about some ships appears in as many as 11 locations in the latest edition.
The cost of the Index is $6.00 (US) which includes postage.
Please send your request (payable to T. Horodysky):
T. Horodysky
27 Westbrook Way
Eugene, OR 9740508/27/14